
California Adoption of TNI

As of May 5th, 2020, The California State Water Resources Control Board has adopted new regulations to update the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP). These newly adopted regulations include the implementation of the 2016 TNI Standard. Many labs in the state have already begun implementing the requirements for TNI prior to the proposal of adoption, however many labs have not started implementation. Beginning October 1st, 2020 laboratories will have a transition period of 3 years to ensure they meet requirements for the TNI Standard.

What are the Benefits of TNI Accreditation?

 Accreditation from an internationally recognized standard that focuses on environmental testing showcases to clients, the community and the government that an organization has demonstrated the capability to provide the services they conduct. With demonstrated capability and quality systems, competent organizations minimize the risk of producing unreliable data and minimize the need for expensive re-testing, saving the organization valuable resources. Quality systems and standards also ensure data integrity for the organization and allow them to be able to defend their data if they should find the need to. Reliable and integral data also give the public confidence in the decisions being made about their public health and safety, benefiting the community as well as the organization.

How can Labtopia help laboratories comply with the 2016 TNI Standard?

The 2016 TNI Standard is a quality-based laboratory standard that requires detailed quality systems and procedures for environmental labs. At Labtopia, Lead Assessors work directly with laboratories to assist them in complying with the standard’s requirements and recommendations. Question and answer support, internal audits, training, adding additional procedures, and assistance with external third-party assessments are all services that Labtopia can provide labs with the TNI standard as well as labs transitioning to adopt the TNI standard.

Labtopia has TNI lead assessors with extensive experience, what does that mean for California Laboratories?

As California shifts with the adoption of TNI 2016, labs may look for help during this time of transition. Labtopia’s experienced TNI Lead Assessors have assisted hundreds of Laboratories with TNI 2016/ISO 17025 compliance and accreditation. What does this mean for you?  It means we understand the issues and challenges faced in your unique laboratory and we can provide valuable insight into what lead assessors and auditors are looking for as well as provide practical real-world advice and best practices.

What Labtopia Can Do to Help 

Labtopia’s services such as consulting help, training, and GAP assessments can assist California Laboratories by helping them to analyze where changes are needed as well as how to apply the changes. In order to help California Labs further prepare, Labtopia can assist through additional specified standards (TNI, EPA, DoD, and ISO 17025) for industry specific labs such as drinking water, non-potable water, solids and chemical, tissue, and air.

What do labs need to do to comply with the 2016 TNI Standard?

The first step to be in compliance with the 2016 TNI Standard is for laboratories to purchase the standard. Whether familiar with TNI requirements or only now beginning to adopt the TNI standard, labs must ensure they are in full compliance with the TNI Standard. TNI 2016 Standard Checklists are available through the NELAC Institute website for labs to use to ensure they adhere to both management and technical requirements.  To access the available checklists through the NELAC Institute website, laboratories must attest that they own the version of TNI 2016 with ISO 17025 references. GAP assessments are usually the best way to start no matter what state a lab may be in as a Gap assessment focuses on what labs are missing in order to comply. These GAP assessments are a service offered by Labtopia and could also count as the lab’s internal audit for the year.

Contact Labtopia Today

Many changes will be developing in California over the next three years. Labtopia is skilled and ready to provide exceptional services to any lab needing assistance with TNI or specific lab requirements.

Contact Labtopia today to take advantage of all the services available to meet your TNI needs.