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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I report my time?

Labtopia Staffing uses an online timecard system to process all timesheets. Log-in to the SpringAhead time card system through the Time Card Labtopia Staffing home page or the link here.

2. When are timesheets due?

Time sheets are due to Labtopia Staffing by Monday at 12:00 pm (noon). If you encounter any delays, please contact our office.

3. Does my Supervisor have to sign my timecards?

Labtopia Staffing requires that all employee timecards must be approved by the client Supervisor. The approval process is set up to occur automatically in the SpringAhead time card system.

4. When will I be paid?

Labtopia Staffing runs a weekly payroll and pay checks are direct deposited every Friday.

5. How do I reset my SpringAhead password?

If you need to reset your password please contact the Labtopia Staffing Office to request your password to be reset.

6. How can I see my paystub?

Pay stubs from Labtopia Staffing area available for immediate view after payroll is processed. To view and print your Labtopia Staffing pay stub click here.

7. I have not received a log-in for ViewMyPaycheck. What do I need to do?

If you have not received an email from ViewMyPaycheck, please contact Labtopia Staffing's accounting department via email or phone at 281-619-2600.

8. Where do I check for my ViewMyPaycheck invitation?

An email invitation is sent to all new employees to the email you provided on your job application.

9. How do I update my emergency contact information and address?

Please complete the attached form and email any updates to Labtopia Staffing. 



10. How do I update my direct deposit information?

Please complete the attached form and email any updates to Labtopia Staffing.



11. How do I update my W-4 withholdings on my paycheck?

Please complete the attached form and email any updates to Labtopia Staffing.