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Happy New Year from Labtopia!

According to experts, 360 million glasses of champagne are served across the United States on New Year’s Eve. Whenever you've raised your glass to toast in the New Year, have you ever thought about the chemistry of champagne? 

Champagne is a wine. However, unlike wine, Champagne goes through two fermentation processes.  In the second fermentation process the carbon dioxide molecules can’t escape as a gas, so they dissolve in the wine. More than 600 different chemical compounds join carbon dioxide in Champagne, each lending its own unique quality to the aroma and flavor.

Check out this infographic, The Chemistry of Champagne from Compound interest. When you and your friends raise your glasses this New Year's Eve, you can mesmerize them with all the new scientific facts you know about the bubbly beverage... because what's a party without a chemistry lesson?!

Chemistry of Champagne